Andrea Jones

Andrea Jones (she/her) is a dancer, healthcare chaplain, and yoga instructor. Since 2012, she has been a member of LEIMAY, a multidisciplinary performance ensemble based in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Additionally, she is a teacher and active contributor to the development of LEIMAY’s underlying methodology, LUDUS. Andrea is a graduate of Union Theological Seminary where she received a Masters of Divinity with a concentration in Buddhism and Interreligious Engagement. She works as a spiritual care provider at Mount Sinai Downtown within the disciplines of oncology and palliative care. A student of yoga for over 20 years, Andrea is also a certified yoga instructor who teaches regularly at her neighborhood studio. During the years of 2016-2017, she lived in Japan teaching English and studying Noguchi Taiso. She enjoys walking throughout the city, as well as, hiking, dwelling in the mountains and forests, and being-becoming with other plants, waters, critters, and Earth.