Shinichi Iova Koga
Shinichi Iova Koga is an actor and dancer, has performed internationally since 1988. Artistic Director of the butoh group inkBoat in San Francisco, his theatrical, multi-media pieces are heavily influenced by his training in film, butoh, Action Theater and Suzuki method.
Shinichi MOMO Koga is a silent actor and Butoh dancer(Hijikatalineage) whose productions, both solo and ensemble, have been causing havoc since 1988. As teacher, performer and as the Artistic Director of inkBoat, Koga restructures dance, theater and cinema forms, extracting the vital essence of each to create a sharper reality. Koga’s works have been presented throughout Europe, Japan and the North American Hemisphere. He has founded companies such as inkBoat (originally Uro Tear Koku with Alenka Mullin Koga), Adapt (with Yuko Kaseki, Minako Seki, Sten Rudstroem, Yael Karavan) and Vox Theatre. He has worked extensively with Yumiko Yoshioka and TEN PEN Chii (Germany), Larry Reed’s Shadowlight Theater (USA), Koichi Tamano’s Harupin-Ha Butoh Dance Theatre (USA) and Do Theatre (Russia). MOMO Koga’s website:
Shinichi MOMO Koga began dancing with butoh masters Hiroko and Koichi Tamano in 1991. In 1994, he founded the San Francisco based performance company inkBoat. His productions, both
solo and ensemble, have been performed throughout the North American Continent, Europe and Japan; his work is heavily influenced by his various trainings in butoh dance, Tadashi Suzuki’s theater method, Ruth Zaporah’s Action Theater, filmmaking and photography.