Embodiment is not a fixed state but an unfolding process—one of sensing, knowing, and becoming through the body, where movement and thought are inseparable, and knowledge is lived rather than acquired. It is a continuous practice of attunement, where breath, weight, resonance, imagination, and perception shape our understanding of ourselves and our relationship to the world.
To embody is to dwell—not only in space but within the unseen relationships that shape and transform us. The body is not an autonomous entity; it is a site of interconnection, existing because its surroundings exist—both shaping and being shaped by the forces around it. We perceive the body as both object and subject, both sacred and mundane, a material presence that holds and transmits history, memory, and transformation—a being inseparable from nature, whose freedom lies in its interwoven existence.
Just as we resist the fragmentation of identity into isolated categories, we resist the separation of knowledge from the body. Learning and becoming are not only intellectual processes, but embodied, lived experiences—formed through movement, exchange, and presence.
This understanding of embodiment does not reject thought, science, or technology, but integrates them into a larger web of perception—where the body, its materiality, its intellect, and technology itself exist within a continuously evolving ecosystem of forces and transformations.
To embody is not only to sense but to inhabit—to hold complexity without collapsing it into resolution. This principle extends beyond the body into our multidisciplinary and multidimensional practice, where attunement takes precedence over integration. For us, multidisciplinary practice is not about merging forms into a singular whole, but about inhabiting the in-between—the dynamic relationality between spaces, entities, materials, and beings.
To frame our practice, we created LEIMAY Ludus—a vessel for exploration and transformation. It is a living methodology, encompassing physical training, embodied research, and evolving channels for knowledge exchange—where making, movement, and material exploration are integral to our artistic practice.
LEIMAY Ludus – A Living Methodology